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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)
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How Does Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Work?
Hormone replacement therapy with bio-identical hormones optimizes an individual’s hormone levels by using hormones that are chemically identical to those that are waning due to aging. By restoring hormonal balance, many symptoms associated with aging are improved, including menopause symptoms. Although nothing can reverse the aging process, bio-identical hormone optimization can slow down the process and help maintain good health.
Hormones decline as people age. Many physicians assume this is the natural way it should be. If a younger person were to be diagnosed as having a hormone deficiency, it would be quickly corrected. However, the same low level in a middle-aged or older individual is considered “within normal limits” for their age and not something we should treat. This is absurd! Normal is a relative term. No one wants the hormone levels of an 80-year-old, but labs report this low level as “normal” even though it might be only 20% of the level of a 30-year-old.
Researchers from around the world have shown that the hormone deficiency associated with age should be optimized to that of a younger person. When patients see and feel the improvement, they embrace this “life-changing” phenomenon wholeheartedly. It is not until one tries this new therapy and experiences the incredible vitality that one realizes the harm that is being caused by the lack of these hormones. In fact, bio-identical hormone optimization should really be called “preventative medicine”. It has been shown that many changes seen in normal aging, including osteoporosis, weight gain, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, muscle atrophy, sleep disorders, female sexual dysfunction, and decreased sociability are partly caused by a decrease in hormone levels. Within six to twelve months of bio-identical hormone optimization, patients notice the reshaping of their bodies with decreasing visceral and peripheral fat, increased muscle tone, more energy, better sleep, improved sex and many other life-changing symptom relief. Patients report an improved sense of well-being and an improved outlook on life.

Benefits of BHRT

• Naturally optimize estrogen levels
• Increase libido & improve sexual function

• Regain muscle mass & improve bone density
• Improve memory and cognitive function
• Stop weight gain & thinning hair

Menopause Symptoms, Diminishing Testosterone, Estrogen and Progesterone Levels:
• Irregular, heavy or absent periods
• Chronic fatigue
• Weight gain
• Low Libido (sex drive)
• Vaginal dryness, painful intercourse
• Anorgasmia (inability to have orgasms)
• Urinary incontinence
• Frequent urinary tract infections
• Increased skin laxity and wrinkles
• Loss of breast volume
• Thinning hair
• Muscle and bone aches and pains
• Migraine headaches
• Brain fog, decreased mental clarity, poor concentration
• Depression
• Osteoporosis (thinning bones), fractures
• Dementia
Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization FAQ
Over the past 50 years research in the fields of endocrinology and immunology has improved our knowledge about aging. The rate and incidence of disease formation, as well as the rate of aging, are partially controlled by our endocrine and immune systems. These two systems are responsible for the changes our bodies undergo in relation to the aging process. The endocrine system regulates our body’s temperature, reproduction, growth, aging and immune system. Communication between the nervous system, the endorecrine system, and the immune system makes it possible for us to adapt and survive in our environment. It is through hormones that these systems interact to accomplish this mission.
Hormones are molecules that are released into the bloodstream and exert biochemical effects on distant organs and cells. Hormones can affect every cell in the body by activating a receptor site on the cell and thereby causing an internal activation of protein synthesis and activity. The hormone’s effect is determined by a specific receptor site on the target cell. Hormones serve as messengers from the central nervous system telling our internal organs how to function. Hormones turn on the cellular machinery and therefore cause increased metabolism, increase in protein synthesis, increase in cellular repair, and increase in cell replication. A decrease in the production of hormones begins in middle age and continues to diminish in a linear fashion until old age.
Hormones are made in endocrine glands which include the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, the testes, ovaries, pancreas, thyroid, and pineal gland. When there is degeneration and aging of organs, the levels of hormones diminish. In addition, as we age, the specific receptor sites in the cells tend to change and become less receptive to the hormones as they once were in our younger years. Whether the problem is low hormone production or hormone resistance, the solution is to optimize hormone replacement.
Conventional medicine has always held the belief that aging is inevitable and that the progressive deterioration that occurs in our adult years cannot be altered. This is simply not true. We have also been lead to believe that the disease of aging, such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and senility, are all part of the normal aging process. Fortunately, there is an exciting revolution in science and medicine that identifies bio-identical hormone optimization as preventative medicine.
The downward spiral of physical and mental decline that we have come to accept as a natural part of growing older is becoming recognized as somewhat controllable and preventable. We are entering an era where mainstream medicine will focus on slowing down the aging process and thereby achieve prevention of both the illnesses of aging as well as the symptoms of aging. One of the most important and successful treatments is bio-identical hormone optimization.
All aspects of aging are influenced by hormones. As we age cellular receptor sites become less sensitive to stimulation by hormones, thus requiring an increased amount of hormone to affect a cellular change. This is precisely why people need optimal levels of all their hormones. Even though their levels might be considered normal, they still need more hormones in the body to improve and feel better. As we mention to all of our patients, “You don’t want to have normal hormone levels, you want to have optimal hormone levels.”
Research has now proven that optimizing hormones is a valid means to improve and prolong quality of life, thus showing that deficiencies in hormones and endocrine dysfunction can contribute to signs and symptoms of getting old.
For many years, medicine has recognized the health benefits of replacing waning hormones. For most physicians, synthetic hormones were the only option, however, now it is possible to produce natural, bio-identical hormones that in every way match those produced by the body. Bio-Identical means molecularly identical to the body’s natural hormones. Unlike conventional, synthetic hormones, bio-identical hormones are derived from natural plant sources like yams and soybeans. We have come to understand that synthetic hormones, which are chemically different than those naturally found in the body, can cause a whole host of side effects and even cancer. It does not make sense to replace with chemically different hormones when bio-identical hormones to which our bodies are accustomed are available.
There are different methods for administering bio-identical hormone replacement therapy including:
• pills
• creams
• injections
• hormone pellets
• troches
• vaginal suppositories.
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